About us

About IG Hanf

For a sustainable future with hemp

For the sustainable establishment of hemp in Switzerland

The Hemp Interest Group (IG Hanf) is the leading association of the Swiss hemp industry and is committed to its sustainable development. It represents the interests of its members vis-à-vis politicians, authorities and the public, promotes exchange and strengthens cooperation within the industry.

The IG Hanf is committed to establishing cannabis responsibly in society and creating a regulated market that offers economic opportunities while also taking social and health aspects into account. With its work, it helps to strengthen the Swiss hemp industry and secure Switzerland a pioneering role in the global cannabis industry.

“Only together are we strong!”

Mission & Goals


The cannabis plant can be used responsibly to its full potential.


We are committed to representing the interests of the Swiss cannabis industry to politicians, authorities and the public.


We represent the interests of the association and act diplomatically, tolerantly and willingly to compromise.

Board - Employees - IG Hanf Schweiz

Board of IG Hanf Schweiz & Employees

Elias Galantay

President of the IG Hanf

Vigia AG

Cédric Heeb

Vice President of IG Hanf

PhytoXtract SA

Claudia Zieres-Nauth

Board member

Medropharm AG

Stefan Strasser

Board member

Swissextract AG

Sebastian Zeller

Board member

Canexis Pharma AG

Benjamin Foro

Board member

Nostras SA

Working Groups: Lobbying - Public Relations - SCC - Law & Regulation

Working groups

The association's procedures and priorities are developed and specified in strong, self-organized working groups. The working groups implement the values, goals and vision of IG Hanf.

Political Voice for Hemp

Public Affairs Working Group

This group focuses on maintaining political contacts and representing the interests of IG Hanf in legislation in order to promote a positive legal framework for hemp products.

Renato Auer

Pure Holding AG

Elias Galantay

Vigia AG

Stefan Strasser

Swissextract AG

Cédric Heeb

CEO PhytoXtract SA

Promoting Dialogue on Hemp

Public Relations (PR) working group

The public relations working group of IG Hanf Schweiz is a committed group of members whose goal is to inform the public about the diverse aspects of hemp and its positive effects on health, the environment and the economy. Through their work, they help to promote dialogue about hemp and its potential and thereby bring about positive changes at a social and political level.

Christian Lüdi

Lecturer for Digital Communication BFH

Benjamin Foro

CEO Nostras SA

Sebastian Hampel

Legal advice for hemp companies

Information on legal developments

Compliance consulting

monitoring of legislation

Competence in legal matters

Law and Regulation

The “Legal” working group of IG Hanf Schweiz supports the industry with legal questions, clarifies uncertainties and advocates for clear, fair regulation. It represents the interests of its members vis-à-vis authorities and works on practical solutions in dialogue with experts.

ensuring quality standards

SCC (Quality and Standards) working group

This group is responsible for the development and implementation of the Swiss Certified Cannabis (SCC) quality label. It sets quality standards and carries out audits to ensure consistent product quality.

Elias Galantay

Vigia AG

Luke Brunner

IG Hanf

Franziska Dumont

Legend Products

Promote dialogue

Promoting and moderating the dialogue between authorities and industry.

Honest and transparent advice

We advise our customers honestly, transparently and competently.

Ensuring safe production

We adhere to the regulations for controlled and safe production and processing of our products.

youth protection

We consistently enforce compliance with youth protection laws.

honest management

We conduct our businesses honestly and in compliance with applicable laws.

Promote responsible use

We actively and responsibly promote low-risk use of our products.

Ensure comprehensive quality control

We guarantee with professional instruments
comprehensive quality control.

respect in dealing with others

We treat our customers, competitors and authorities with respect.

Professional action

We always act professionally and ensure
thus a positive image of our industry.

Transparent tax information

We pay our taxes correctly, as well as all social security contributions and insurances.

Commitment to the highest standards

Code of Honor

The Code of Conduct of IG Hanf Schweiz, recognized by BAG, BLV and BWL, is for all members binding. Reputation The cannabis industry depends on its business practices, so the observance of the Code is mandatory. It is the basis of the Membership and entitles to logo usage. Show members Commitment for the profession, society and competitors by Standards adhere to consistently.

press release

Current press releases and official statements

Member of

We are a member and actively shape the future of the hemp industry