Become a Member
membership in IG Hanf
Anyone can become a member of IG Hanf, and the contributions are fairly staggered according to the size of the company, so that they range between CHF 500 and CHF 10. The contribution amount is calculated based on the company's full-time positions (FTE) in Switzerland. Non-profit organizations also benefit because their membership is free. The board also works on a voluntary basis, and the contributions go entirely towards achieving the goals of IG Hanf.
Super easy - register now!
Become part of our community!
Please first select your membership category and then fill out the form to apply for your membership.
Why become a member?
For the sustainable establishment of hemp in Switzerland
The Hemp Interest Group is not only the association of the Swiss cannabis industry, but also an important voice that represents its members to politicians, authorities and the public. It also actively promotes exchange and cooperation among its members, thereby sustainably strengthening the hemp industry in Switzerland. In addition, it pursues the mission of establishing cannabis in society in a sustainable way and creating a regulated cannabis market so that Switzerland can play a leading role in the global cannabis industry.
regulate the hemp market
advance the industry
setting standards
The IG Hanf sets standards in the industry: with a code of responsible conduct and strict youth protection as well as the Swiss Certified Cannabis (SCC) label, which guarantees product and consumer safety.
Production and Trade Switzerland
- Cannabis raw materials and products with < 1 % THC Switzerland
- Medical cannabis
- exemptions, pilot tests
labeling and declaration
- Cosmetics / Food / Consumer Goods / Tobacco Substitutes
- > 1% THC
- drug
International Trade and EU Regulation
- Commodity trading
- B2B / B2C: Cosmetics / Herbal Smoking Products / Food
- EU conformity
- payment connection
Prevention and Risk Management
- Security concepts for cannabis production and trading companies
- GWG compliance
- insurance
legal advice for members
Legal Advisory
Legal advice and referral to specialized law firms for IG Hanf members.
The Legal and Compliance Working Group deals with the legal and regulatory framework in the field of hemp in order to promote the sustainable and responsible use of this resource.
Our partners for cannabis legal issues:
Our members
member directory
Click here to view the full directory.
Membership is worth it
Member benefits
Are you already a member or are you considering becoming a new member of IG Hanf? Then you can benefit from our membership services!
SwissPay.ONE and
- As a member of IG Hanf you will receive a 50% discount on the monthly platform fees of SwissPay.ONE and/or in the first year. Please note that this does not include transaction costs. Ask for discount code.
payment solution for shops
CBD test / Guttentag Solutions
- Discount on internally conducted analyses (not cumulative with individual contractual agreements with CBD testing)
CBD test
- 10% off the entire service, from installation costs to software licenses, when you register for the first time with Cannavigia.
software management tool
Chemira GmbH
- Free return of empty containers from Chemira GmbH
chemical trade
Bioreba AG
- 10% discount for testing cannabis for plant pathogens
Hotelcard AG
- Overnight stay during a trade fair or exhibition
- 30 to 50% discount in over 500 hotels in Switzerland and neighboring countries
- As a member of IG Hanf you can order the 1-year hotel card for CHF 79.- instead of CHF 99.-.